Innovative Service Provider V-LINE GROUP always ahead of the times
“Supporting customers with MRO spare parts has been our successful core business since 1979, but V-LINE is far more than MRO nowadays. We are constantly scanning and researching trends to find the right service adding more value to our customers”: Hasnain Jamil, Managing Director of V-LINE MIDDLE EAST, always focuses on the customer to find the next visionary solution. “Our mission to help customers fulfill their mission emphasizes our essential drive.”
In fact, the innovative DNA is the golden thread in V-LINE’s history. In 1979, Detlef Daues, founder of the V-LINE GROUP, spotted the opportunity to deliver spare parts for the emerging Saudi industries. Soon, major clients like SWCC, SABIC and MA’ADEN followed. With the global trade and industries emerging and transforming, V-LINE realigned the business into procurement end-to-end supply chain services to offer more than just the single spare part. Thus, fulfilling clients’ needs holistically was the next logical step V-LINE could make – and they took it. “Our customers entrust us with their complete supply chain, and we do the rest”, Jamil continues.
This trust also manifests itself in various awards and strategic partnerships, e.g. with SABIC, Tasnee, MA’ADEN, SADARA and PetroRabigh to name just a few. “We are very proud that we can support our customers from different perspectives; this is where the trust comes from. It is not all about price; we also see that localization is an important factor for them. That’s why we fully support the Saudi Vision 2030, and, moreover, are a partner of the NUSANED initiative enabling localization of German SMEs and facilitating export for Saudi companies”, says Hasnain Jamil. “We also see other influences and trends. Everyone is talking about data, digitalization, AI and 4.0 Solutions. We’ve noticed that business operations are transforming and becoming more efficient. To meet this, we offer new services together with our highly experienced technology partners: from inventory optimization by Smart Software Inc. using algorithms to optimize the number of spares needed on-site, to in-plant vending machines by Snap-On AutoCrib that supply frequently needed parts within the production area, to digitizing industries for predictive maintenance with our partner SH Tools GmbH.” In addition, V-LINE is continuously trend-scouting the market for new innovative ideas. “All of these services in the digital transformation have one thing in common: Data is key. We see that sharing data, enabling transparency and collaborating with our clients as partners is a matter of trust, and it requires rethinking the ways of doing business”, Tilman Mieseler, CEO of V-LINE EUROPE, explains. “That’s why we took the first step with these services. We know that every industry is different, and our daily driver is to provide our clients with the best possible solutions. We are always open for dialogue, support and setting up pilot projects. Thus, we say: V-LINE is ready for the future. How about you?”

Global hub for V-LINE’s MRO supply chain: Around 94% of all items of V-LINE EUROPE pass the warehouse in Sehnde, Germany
Cover Picture: Innovating Solutions: Experts of V-LINE’s technology partners Codasol and Smart Software Inc. in exchange