2.5 years of training result in successfully passed exams.
Isabelle Hutschenreuter, Head of Apprenticeship, and CEO of V-LINE GROUP Tilman Mieseler congratulate the two former apprentices Maximilian Gremminger and Nils Agena on completing their apprenticeship in wholesale and foreign trade management.
V-LINE EUROPE, the world’s leading service provider for MRO spare parts procurement with headquarters in Sehnde near Hanover, currently employs over 150 people locally and around 250 worldwide. The impressive retention rate of 100% will be maintained this year: Both apprentices Maximilian Gremminger and Nils Agena, who have now completed their training, will remain with V-LINE EUROPE and will look after their own customers in purchasing/sales in the future.
Isabelle Hutschenreuter, who has accompanied the two apprentices on their way, draws a positive conclusion: “Our support for the apprentices is based on the guiding principle ‘Our goal: Your takeover’. I am particularly pleased that we were able to take on both of them again this year. I would like to take this opportunity to give special praise to Maximilian Gremminger for his excellent exam results!”
V-LINE relies on the enormous potential and skills of its next generation of employees. They take on responsibility at an early stage, for example by independently managing the Instagram channel, which creates space for their own ideas and design options. Internal trainers are on hand to support the apprentices in each department.
Tilman Mieseler considers the trainees to be well equipped after their 2.5-year apprenticeship: “It fills me with joy that we are able to attract new young talent to our company every year. Our apprenticeship gives them a detailed insight into the company and allows them to build up a strong network during this time. Both form the ideal basis for a successful collaboration.”
V-LINE EUROPE is also looking for motivated apprentices who want to start their professional journey at V-LINE and grow together with the company for the start of training in August 2024. There are still some places left.
Picture: (from left) Isabelle Hutschenreuter, Maximilian Gremminger, Nils Agena and Tilman Mieseler during congratulations