A cozy Christmas market, happy people and a festive atmosphere: This scenario describes best the Christmas Party of V-LINE EUROPE in Sehnde
On December 7, around 120 employees met at festive chateau Schloss Herrenhausen to celebrate Christmas time together. Decorated Christmas trees, Christmas market booths, Santa hats over the chairs and, last but not least, all dressed-up people created a great atmosphere and completed the scene of a nice Christmas party.
After a short get together, Detlef Daues, CEO of V-LINE Europe GmbH, welcomed all guests. He talked briefly about the nearly gone last year and gave an outlook on what to come. Merry Christmas wishes for everybody concluded the welcome speech, and of course the invitation to have a great party. And that’s what everyone did. A rich buffet of food was ready to serve goose, salmon and more treats to the guests. Also roasted almonds, a classic of a German Christmas market, weren’t lacking.
Entertainment program was of course included as well. Next to a Shisha Lounge, a track for curling amused the “V-LINERs” and animated to friendly competitions with colleagues. Later on in the night, the big star was also the dance floor where the DJ presented varying music and made the crowd dance. A small highlight came again at midnight: Currywurst was served to everyone who wanted. It recharged the people and made them party some further hours. All in all, a cozy yet festive Christmas party.