The drought continues – As a supporter of the water initiative V-LINE funds the relief measures from World Hunger Aid.
Kenya – Turkana County, March 2018 – Eugene Wanekeya, Commuications Manager from the World Hunger Aid office in Kenya reports on the tense situation in the country: For the third year in a row, the rain has already stopped or is far too low to provide food for small farmers and livestock farmers. The water holes are dried up and thousands of animals have died. A famine catastrophe is looming.
How World Hunger Aid helps:
This year again, the rain is far below the annual average required. Many parts of the country are affected. The nutritional basis of around 2.7 million people is in danger. World Hunger Aid has already initiated measures to ensure the nutrition and availability of drinking water:
• At central locations, tank trucks provide drinking water, distribute water purification tablets and advise people on how to clean drinking water
• Food is distributed to people who are weak and malnourished
• Animal populations that have been drastically reduced are being rebuilt
My visit to Turkana County shows: In some areas, thanks to our support, people are better equipped to cope with long periods of drought – due to wells and water reservoirs. Elsewhere, communities are less able to handle with the repeated and persistent droughts. Gradually the agricultural supply collapses there, the livestock – the basis of many people’s livelihoods – dies. These people urgently need our support now.
Further information can be found on the website of World Hunger Aid.